
Evolve your B2B Ecommerce,
every month, from every angle.

Our agency-subscription model, designed to give you access to all our talent, from ideation to execution, for your website to run and grow continuously. Like fire.




"If you build it (they) will come" was inspiring in the 90s, but websites don't work that way, and eCommerce websites are even more demanding. We partner up with your team to help you generate ideas, sort priorities, execute changes, and measure outcomes. 

The result? An ever-growing digital experience that lets you truly listen to your customers and work fast to provide them the best possible experience through design, technology, marketing and positioning.

What makes Fuego shine

Growth-driven design

A fast-tracked design and development process that gets better month after month. Our team will be an extension of yours, making your website evolve at the pace your strategy demands.

Agile at the core

Our monthly sprints drastically reduce technical debt and show rapid, focused deliverables. As a truly agile and remote company, we do our best to provide velocity with accuracy.

On demand flexibility

Old-fashioned projects with big, fixed scopes take so long that by the time you're ready to launch, your priorities have changed. Our model allows you to constantly adapt to real-world business needs.

Faster ROI & time to market

We prioritize shipping over second-guessing. Our strong focus helps you achieve results faster, strenghtening your ability to compete and harvest objective results. Releasing, measuring, learning, iterating.

Bang for your buck

A world-class team that makes sense for your budget. We work hard and earn your trust through an open and transparent project structure and plan.

Ideas are on the house

We bring many opinions to the table because we believe in our skillset. Working with us means hiring a savvy and seasoned team that walks the extra mile to suggest fresh, bold ideas on a daily basis.

Quarter to quarter

We fight for you. No long term contracts involved. We trust our work will show its value so clearly that you'll want to stick around for a long time.

One plan to rule them all

All our skills come together in Fuego. We'll balance the team to fit your project's shifting requirements. Our coders, designers, writers and tinkerers are here to help you thrive, end to end.

What's included

Strategy + Discovery

  • Brand and content strategy
  • Digital audits
  • Retail strategy
  • Consulting services
  • Feature roadmaps
  • Data and Information Architecture


  • Performance Analytics
  • Split testing and data-driven experimentation
  • B2B Website development
  • Ecommerce Replatform
  • Data Migration

Ecommerce Growth

  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Technical SEO 
  • Branding & Storytelling Consulting
  • Strategy, Platform Research and Integrations
  • Performance Dashboards

Website & Integrations

  • UX/UI & Web Development
  • Headless Ecommerce
  • Composable Ecommerce
  • PIM Integrations
  • Custom development
  • API Integrations

“I can’t imagine life before them. They have built twenty-two brand sites here in the United States, every single brand we work on. They’re confident, they’re proactive, they’re easy going and flexible. Over the years we’ve worked together they become more than just trusted counsel, they've become great friends. I can’t recommend them highly enough. You should hire them and then you should come here and thank me.”

Alan Shapiro • CMO at MAC Group

Step by step

Setting some shared expectations.

1. Discovery Call

A 30-min call with our CEO or CTO to figure out if our skillset fits the needs of your particular project. We'll cover:

  • Your audience, products, history and values
  • Current tech stack, marketing efforts and overall strategy
  • What the future looks like
  • A very rough idea about scope
  • And an open chat about how we work and what unique value we can bring to the mix

2. Definitions

We'll follow up with a 60-min call with our CEO or CTO and a Senior Account Manager where we'll dig deeper into your shared assumptions, potential blockers, and scope definitions.

The idea is to leave the (virtual) room with a wishlist of everything you'd like to see on your B2B Ecommerce Design if you had unlimited time, resources, and someone with a magic wand.

3. Effort Estimation & Proposal

Once we have the definitions we'll come up with a roadmap. A backlog draft with all these ideas, and an estimation of effort, cost and timeline.

If all looks good, we'll sign a contract including an NDA, and send the invoices for payment and project confirmation.

4. Work hard, deliver, repeat

We made the process simple. First, we break down the backlog into monthly sprints and agree with you on the next set of priorities.

Then we start working and reporting results to you. Some tasks will require your feedback, but we'll always try to be independent and consume as little of your team's time as possible.

At the end of the month you get a results report, with details of time invested and suggestions for the next iteration.

Some more things to consider


3-month cycles with ongoing reporting and consulting services.


This is what we'll need from you:

  • Discovery and planning calls.
  • Signed contract and upfront invoice.
  • Brand discovery interview.
  • Touchpoints with your team leadership for control, feedback and approval.


100% remote. You can check out our FAQs for more info on how we work.


We schedule our work at least three weeks in advance for better coordination and results. If there's a strong need to fast-track a project we can discuss what it involves.


Starts at $10.000 per month.

Payment Terms

Monthly services paid in advance. Quarterly agreements with no long-term ties for full flexibility.

From our Insights

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Back in the day, no one spoke of performance marketing. It used to be that an advertising agency created and ran an ad campaign, sales improved, and everyone was happy.
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With new technologies popping up left and right, B2B ecommerce evolves faster than you can say "shopping cart." What does it mean for eCommerce design? Glad you asked.
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No one wins alone in the business world, and hiring an eCommerce agency can be a win-win for all parties involved.