B2B ECOMMERCE analysis


Discover what you don't know you don't know

Good intel fosters smarter choices. Our audit process surfaces the key areas of improvement across your Ecommerce's performance, technical stack, marketing, and strategy.


Doing business is hard enough without having to consider the million things that can go wrong with technology, or keep up with the latest set of buzzwords, solutions, strategies and trends. 

We carefully analyze your digital business to clear the fog of war and surface potential problems, as well as opportunities. 

This means we give your tech, your marketing, and your website a thorough look, and you walk out of the process with actionable solutions in the form of a detailed roadmap to overcome the issues found, including effort and advice, plus growth ideas to drive your business forward.

Leave liabilities, hesitations and open-ended questions on your B2B E-Commerce Strategy behind.

What our Ecommerce Audit covers:

A comprehensive and insightful analysis of your ecommerce foundations designed to surface your blind spots and maximize positioning and sales opportunities

A thorough quantitative analysis will reveal how your website performs, how it compares to your industry benchmarks, and what your key areas for improvement are.

An in-depth look at your brand’s positioning and storytelling will give us the context required for patterns and technical marketing requirements to surface.

A dive into your technical stack will show what it takes to ensure your website is prepared to boost your business, not drag you down.

The outcome: Our wake-up call report, packed with conclusions – backed by data and our +500 project experience – that will help you understand what you need to do from now on

Who is it for?

You're the owner, founder or C-Level member at a company that sells online. We specialize in guiding B2B and Hybrid (B2B2C) companies that need to catch-up fast in a complex technology world.


You need this if …

You feel you’re missing out on your digital challenges, not  taking advantage of the new (or not so new) channels, and perhaps losing ground in a highly competitive environment. Truth is there’s too much to do. It’s hard to have a 10,000ft view and the blueprint you need to get things done.

Do any of these resonate?

  • You’re new at the company and want to turn things around, or have been through a few frustrating attempts at making ecommerce flourish.
  • Technology is outdated and becoming an obstacle, creating delays and liabilities.
  • You’re ready to get expert help and you want an agency that can lead the initiative.
  • Online business grew since COVID and onwards, but it's scaling and you can no longer wing it.
  • You have a clear picture of what success looks like to you but don’t know how to get there.

“TakeFortyTwo is the cream of the crop in terms of solution partners. We came to them with an aggressive holiday plan that contained many moving parts (contests, promos, social media, email marketing) with complex timing. The result? 300% growth YoY in our revenue during the holiday season. Thank you!”

Sara Kenton • Former Marketing Director at YETI

How does it work?

What happens after we both say "yes".

1. Formalities

We sign a contract including an NDA, and send the invoices for payment and project confirmation. The project begins immediately as we send you the initial assesment and survey. 

2. Getting to know your company

A discovery call to list all your shared assumptions. Everything you think works right, wrong, or is halfway there. Understanding how we got here, and where you want to be, in your own words.

3. Your website

We'll deploy and run our diagnostic tools in your website with no service interrumption for anyone. In parallel we'll work out a number of performance, conversion and user experience tests so we can gather quantitative, objective data.

4. Your systems

Our team will map your systems and processes. The tools and platforms you use, how they talk to each other, what's working, what isn't, and where the quick wins are so you can optimize budget and results.

5. Audit report + Future planning

We'll create a thorough report with objective, documented data and conclusions, as well as an opinionated guide for a step by step evolution of your website, based on 17+ years of field experience. The result is an implementation plan that's crystal clear, actionable, insight-driven, that you can run through with your staff, by leveraging TakeFortyTwo's outsourcing capabilities as an extension of your team, or through any other agency you choose.

6. Consulting and implementation plan

We'll present the results to you in full detail. Our Ecommerce Audit includes two follow up calls (1-hour each) to answer all your questions and help you decide the best path forward to move from insights to action to:

  • Improve results in the form of direct sales
  • Reduce costs and structure
  • Reduce liabilities and gain independence and data ownership
  • Have a technical structure in place to set the proper foundations and guarantee you certainties.
  • Have a clear set of priorities, goals, KPIs and a blueprint to evolve your online business.

Some more things to consider


Our Audit process takes four weeks to complete.


This is what we'll need from you:

  • Answers to our questionnaire.
  • Brand discovery interview.
  • Access to website's backend to install and run our diagnostic tools for at least two weeks.
  • Access to your Google Analytics and Google Search Console, assuming you have them.
  • Access to performance reports for your marketing platform.
  • 1-hour weekly call so we can ask every question and understand your brand and activities in full.


100% remote. You can check out our FAQs for more info on how we work.


We schedule our work at least three weeks in advance for better coordination and results. If there's a strong need to fast-track a project we can discuss what it involves.


$10.000 for a single brand. If you run a multi-brand architecture you can call us for pricing.

Payment Terms

50% to confirm and schedule the project, and the remaining on delivery. 

Have questions?
Check out our FAQ s.

Our processes are as transparent and clear as they get.
