Never gonna give you up

We're no strangers to love work.
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of... 🎶

We base our work on simple ideas:

  • Working hard
  • Learning lots
  • Only making promises we can keep
  • Saying no when we need to
  • Taking care of our team
  • Taking care of yours
  • Always prove our value

Us, in thirty seconds

Founded in 2006

A team of fourteen professionals

From six countries and diverse backgrounds

Self-managed, bootstrapped company

Partnerships include Mailchimp, BigCommerce, Shopify, Alokai, among others.

Working 100% remote, 4 days a week

Based in Spain, home of the greatest tapas and friendliest people

500+ completed projects for +300 customers in the US & UK


One team

TakeFortyTwo is a OneTotem brand. We're a quirky gang of misfits building a unique, trail‑blazing, democratic company, and ditching rule books as we go. A rare breed of experts, rebels and geeks working 100% remotely four days a week. Our work philosophy encourages freedom and independence, as well as accountability, commitment, creativity, craft and personal development.

We 💖 what we do madly. And we rock at it.
